Product Ideas Lesson #6: 5 Fast Ways to Create Your Digital Products

5 Fast Ways to Create Your Digital Products

If you’re running a business that sells information products, having a diverse range of offerings is essential. This includes everything from lead magnets and tripwires to main products, upsells, and backend items.

While building a comprehensive sales funnel might seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to take forever. Here are five effective strategies to help you create your next digital product swiftly and efficiently.

1. Leverage Private Label Rights (PLR)

One of the fastest ways to create a product is by using high-quality private label rights content. Just remember to put your own spin on it. Here are three ways to make it unique:

Rewrite the Content: Give the PLR material your own voice and perspective by modifying it to fit your style.
Combine Multiple Sources: Gather content from different PLR sources to craft something original and fresh.
Change the Format: Transform text-based PLR into various formats, like turning it into a slide presentation or a video.

2. Compile Guest-Contributed Content

Working with experts in your niche can significantly speed up the content creation process. You’ll not only gain fresh insights but also benefit from their credibility. Here are some ways to gather guest contributions:

Ask Experts the Same Question: For instance, get responses from a nutritionist, personal trainer, and diet expert on the best ways to lose weight quickly.
Pose Different Questions: Choose various topics for your product and ask each expert relevant questions in their area of expertise.
Conduct Interviews: Interview experts about their journeys and success strategies in your niche. This can yield valuable content for your product.

3. Update Existing Content

Refreshing an existing product is another efficient way to create something new. You can approach this in two ways:

Update Recent Products: If you launched a product within the last year, consider expanding on it and rebranding it as a “2.0” version.
Revise Older Products: Enhance an older product with new information or insights, and consider reformatting it into a different medium, like video or audio.
By employing these strategies, you can streamline the process of creating digital products and keep your offerings fresh and engaging.