The Importance of Testimonials in Sales Copy
Testimonials play a crucial role in sales copy, warranting their own dedicated section. While they are frequently utilized, many times they are not leveraged effectively or may even be misused. It is essential to treat testimonials as valuable resources rather than mere filler for subpar writing. When used correctly, they can significantly enhance your message by following a few key guidelines.
Rule #1: Avoid opening a sales letter with a testimonial. Instead, place it after the second paragraph at the earliest. Testimonials serve as a tool to reinforce the narrative surrounding the product, which should be established first.
Rule #2: Position testimonials after listing the benefits of the product. This sequence solidifies the sales letter by providing evidence that builds trust with the reader. Once interest has been piqued and the benefits outlined, testimonials can set realistic expectations for the results of engaging with the writer.
Rule #3: Refrain from placing testimonials at the beginning of your sales copy. When positioned at the top, testimonials lack context and may confuse the reader. Without the foundational narrative provided by the copy, they offer little value and can feel disconnected.
Rule #4: Use testimonials as reinforcement to support your sales copy. They should highlight results, success stories, and the credibility of the copywriter. Treat them as a means to bolster your argument rather than as the primary justification for your claims.
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