Benefits to Using WordPress As Your Website

It’s not just for blogging (a web diary)…it’s great content management software, meaning, once it is set up and looking nice, you can log in to the backend and update it yourself with new articles, pages, etc. WordPress can be a whole website, but with the added advantage that you can update your own content.

WordPress provides interactivity. Built into the software is the ability to make comments on all the articles you post or pages on the site. If you are worried about spam attacks or people making comments you don’t like, there is also the ability to approve the comment first before it is posted.

You can customize a WordPress blog to look like a website..(with a little help from a web designer like me!)

Original continual content is a great way to get to gain more traffic and a blog is a good way to easily post your ideas, articles, and pictures without knowing how to design a website. It works like an email editor and is just as easy.

Using a free service like Feedburner, you can have people subscribe to your blog for updates. Whenever you post a new article, an email goes out telling the people that subscribed, and it’s available.

In the backend part of the software, you can do all kinds of cool things like look at your stats and see who clicked on what link to get to your blog/site, what phrase they used in the search engines…add plug-ins like some of these.

All in all, WordPress is a good way to add interactivity and manage your own content. As a web designer, I am more than happy to update your website, but there are people out there who want to do it themselves, and this platform makes sense!