Attraction Marketing Lesson #2 – The Law of Attraction in Action

The Law of Attraction in Action

There’s a pair… Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog! Attraction can create strange bedfellows to paraphrase an old expression. You just never know who is going to love who when it comes right down to it. In the case of Miss Piggy and Kermit, it was love that was rooted in a brilliant marketing campaign designed to attract both children and adults.

It worked too! Both characters became celebrities and to this day both frequently appear on television shows, at award ceremonies, and for charity fundraisers. If you could name a perfect marketing campaign, the joining of these two characters should be at the top of the list.

We can learn a lot from the pig and the frog. Listen to them talk and they believe in themselves. Miss Piggy may come across as a bit arrogant, but she is focused at all times. Kermit may waver in the face of such a strong personality, but in the end, he is always on track and true to himself. As a result, this team of make-believe animals can sell or promote just about anything to anyone. Now consider Billy Mays the television salesman.

He passed away not long ago but not without establishing a remarkable reputation for being able to sell anything to anyone. He was a carnival barker in Atlantic City before earning millions as a simple honest and enthusiastic salesman. When you watched him promote products, you just knew he really believed in what he was selling and what he was saying.

This middle-aged huckster could convince millions of people to buy kitchen tools, car cleaners, or work tools. He could sell men’s or women’s products. He could convince anyone that they needed exactly what he was selling. Even if you didn’t need what he was selling, it was almost impossible to not watch him because he was always so darn enthusiastic and upbeat that he made you happy and hopeful.