Attraction Marketing Lesson #10 – The Money Mantra

The Money Mantra

The following affirmations from The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen speak volumes:

“I am a money magnet.
I like money, and money likes me.
I attract money. I attract money 24 hours a day.
I earn bountiful amounts of money.
I wisely know how to create money.
I know that I will always have more money in the future…
The money I create keeps multiplying…
I am forever enjoying more and more money.
I have infinite money—more than enough for my every want…
I cheerfully save money.
I faithfully save 10% of all the money I earn.
I wisely invest my money.
I see my money re-creating itself effortlessly.
Money rushes to me in every form and fashion.
I have lots and lots of money.
I have money in my mind, in my future, in my pocket, in my wallet…
I enjoy money, and money enjoys me.
Money and all its equivalents are attracted to me.
Money is forever making me infinitely better off.
All that I do creates surplus, abundance, and plenty for myself and everyone else.” (Three Rivers Press, p. 120)

These affirmations are not just words—they’re a mindset. To tap into this energy, repeat the “money mantra” every morning and evening. Believe in yourself completely. Trust that with the right attitude and effective strategies, you can attract money effortlessly. Positive energy and focus are magnetic, drawing customers, mentors, and opportunities your way.

This principle ties back to what we’ve discussed—people with passion, focus, and an upbeat outlook naturally draw others to them. They become the kind of people customers seek out and, ultimately, the kind who attract wealth.

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